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Do nothing return; } this.leftAngle = this.gebi(this._leftAngle + this.id); if (this.leftAngle == null) { // Error. Do nothing return; } this.rightAngle = this.gebi(this._rightAngle + this.id); if (this.rightAngle == null) { // Error. Do nothing return; } if (this.defaultArray.length >= 1) { // Mix preview this.mixPreview(); // Draw preview & angles this.drawPreview(); this.drawAngles(); // Add rezize-event handler var id = this.id; this.addHandler( window, "resize", function() { try {getPMove_photo_new(id).drawPreview();} catch(e) {} } ); this.addHandler( document, "mouseup", function() {getPMove_photo_new(id).mouseUpHandler()} ); this.addHandler(this.leftAngle, "mousedown", function(evt) { evt = evt || window.event; if (evt.preventDefault) evt.preventDefault(); }); this.addHandler(this.rightAngle, "mousedown", function(evt) { evt = evt || window.event; if (evt.preventDefault) evt.preventDefault(); }); this.addHandler(this.leftAngle, "dragstart", function() {return false;}); this.addHandler(this.rightAngle, "dragstart", function() {return false;}); this.initFlag = 1; } else { // Error. Do nothing return; } } } var stepTimer = {}; PMove_photo_new.prototype = { // ----------- Default ----------- gebi : function(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }, newImg : function(path) { var image = new Image(); image.src = path; return image; }, addHandler : function(object, event, handler, useCapture) { if (object.addEventListener) { object.addEventListener(event, handler, useCapture ? useCapture : false); } else if (object.attachEvent) { object.attachEvent('on' + event, handler); } }, screenSize : function() { var w, h; w = (window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : (document.documentElement.clientWidth ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.body.offsetWidth)); h = (window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : (document.documentElement.clientHeight ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body.offsetHeight)); return {w:w, h:h}; }, // ----------- Funcs ----------- scrollInit : function(order) { //if (this.xmlEnable) this.ajaxLoad(); //ajax_json.js was exclude from splash this.stepDirection = order; var id = this.id; if (stepTimer[id] == null || typeof stepTimer[id] == "undefined") stepTimer[id] = setInterval("getPMove_photo_new('" + id + "').scrollRepeat()", 100); }, scrollRepeat : function() { this.showNext(this.stepDirection); var id = this.id; if (typeof stepTimer[id] == "undefined" || stepTimer[id] != null) { clearInterval(stepTimer[id]); stepTimer[id] = null; stepTimer[id] = setInterval("getPMove_photo_new('" + id + "').scrollRepeat()", this.stepTimeout); } }, mouseUpHandler : function() { var id = this.id; if (typeof stepTimer[id] == "undefined" || stepTimer[id] == null) return; clearInterval(stepTimer[id]); stepTimer[id] = null; this.showNext(this.stepDirection); }, mixPreview : function() { if (this.defaultArray.length > 1) { var randKey = 0; var bufer = []; for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { randKey = parseInt(Math.random() * this.defaultArray.length); if (typeof this.defaultArray[i] == "undefined") continue; bufer = this.defaultArray[i]; this.defaultArray[i] = this.defaultArray[randKey]; this.defaultArray[randKey] = bufer; } } }, drawNameItem : function(valueNameItem, urlNameItem) { if (this.nameItemEnable) { var nameItem = '' + '
' + '
' + '' + '
' + '
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' + nameItem + '
' + nameItem + '
'; html = html.join(''); } catch (e) { // Error. Do nothing alert("Error"); return; } this.container.innerHTML = html; }, showPreview : function() { var j; for (i = 0; i < this.previewCount; i++) { var itemMain = this.gebi('preview_' + this.id + i + '_Id'); j = (this.curPos + i) % this.defaultArray.length; itemMain.src = this.defaultArray[j][1]; if (this.id == 'video') { itemMain.nextSibling.firstChild.href = this.defaultArray[j][0]; if (this.nameItemEnable) { var nameItem = (this.nameItemEnable && (this.defaultArray[j][2] != undefined)) ? this.defaultArray[j][2] : ''; itemMain.nextSibling.firstChild.title = nameItem; itemMain.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild.alt = nameItem; } } else if(this.id=='blogs') { itemMain.parentNode.href = this.defaultArray[j][0]; if(typeof this.defaultArray[j][2] == "object") { for(var k in this.defaultArray[j][2]) { if(this.defaultArray[j][2].hasOwnProperty(k) && this.defaultArray[j][2][k]!='' && this.defaultArray[j][2][k].match(/^return/)) eval("itemMain.parentNode."+k+"= function (event) { "+this.defaultArray[j][2][k]+" }"); } } } else {itemMain.parentNode.href = this.defaultArray[j][0];} } }, containerWidthDetect : function() { this.containerWidth = this.screenSize().w * 0.9 * 0.26; this.containerWidth = this.containerWidth < this.containerWidthMin ? this.containerWidthMin : this.containerWidth; this.previewCount = parseInt(this.containerWidth / (this.previewWidth + this.marginLeft)); }, showNext : function(side) { if (side == "right") this.curPos++; else this.curPos--; if (this.curPos < 0) this.curPos = this.defaultArray.length - 1; if (this.curPos > this.defaultArray.length - 1) this.curPos = 0; this.showPreview(); this.drawAngles(); if (side == "left" && !this.isLeft) { clearInterval(stepTimer[this.id]); stepTimer[this.id] = null; } return false; }, drawAngles : function() { this.define(); var i = a = img = 0, node, nodes = {}; for (i = 0; i < this.leftAngle.childNodes.length; i++) { node = this.leftAngle.childNodes[i]; if (node.nodeType != 1) continue; nodes[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()] = node; } if (typeof nodes["a"] != "undefined" && typeof nodes["img"] != "undefined") { nodes["a"].style.display = this.isLeft ? "" : "none"; nodes["img"].style.display = this.isLeft ? "none" : ""; if (!this.initFlag) nodes["img"].style.backgroundColor = "#D9D9D9"; } for (i = 0; i < this.rightAngle.childNodes.length; i++) { node = this.rightAngle.childNodes[i]; if (node.nodeType != 1) continue; nodes[node.nodeName.toLowerCase()] = node; } if (typeof nodes["a"] != "undefined" && typeof nodes["img"] != "undefined") { nodes["a"].style.display = this.isRight ? "" : "none"; nodes["img"].style.display = this.isRight ? "none" : ""; if (!this.initFlag) nodes["img"].style.backgroundColor = "#D9D9D9"; } //this.loadPreview(); }, define : function() { /* //this.isLeft = this.curPos ? true : false; this.isLeft = true; this.isRight = true; */ this.isLeft = this.curPos ? true : false; this.isRight = true; }, loadPreview : function() { if (this.casheImages.length != this.defaultArray.length) { for (i = 0; i < this.previewCount * 2; i++) { j = (this.curPos + i) % this.defaultArray.length; if (typeof this.casheImages[j] == "undefined") this.casheImages[j] = this.newImg(this.defaultArray[j][1]); } } }, ajaxLoad : function() { var _this = this; this.scriptURL = (this.scriptURL.indexOf('//') == -1) ? ('//' + window.location.hostname + this.scriptURL) : this.scriptURL; //this.scriptURL = '//' + 'mail.ru' + this.scriptURL;//window.location.hostname //alert(this.nameItemEnable); ajax_call_static( this.scriptURL, function(arr) { var item = new Array(); var str = ''; if (arr.length) { for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i]["PhotoName"] != 'undefined') { try {// if contain №, for conversion to № var result = arr[i]["PhotoName"].match(/&#\d+;/g); if (result != null) { for (var j = 0; j < result.length; j++) { result[j] = result[j].replace(/[&#;]/g, ''); arr[i]["PhotoName"] = arr[i]["PhotoName"].replace(/&#\d+;/g, String.fromCharCode(result[j])); } } } catch(e) {} item = [arr[i]["url"], arr[i]["prevurl"], arr[i]["PhotoName"]];// } else item = [arr[i]["url"], arr[i]["prevurl"]]; _this.defaultArray[_this.defaultArray.length] = item; } } } ); this.xmlEnable = false; } } /* ______________ код для линейки превью на главной морде v2 ______________*/ /* ______________ код анимированного слайдера на главной морде ______________*/ var aslider = { // Namespace archive : {}, get : function(id) { if (typeof this.archive[id] == 'undefined') this.archive[id] = new this.create(id); return this.archive[id]; }, create : function(id) { // Constructor this.id = id; this.data = []; this.cur = 0; this.length = 0; this.preloaded = {}; this.timer = null; this.moveState = false; this.longer = false; this.mixData = false; this.items = 2; this.itemWidth = 100; this.showest = []; this.html = []; // DOM elements this.table = null; this.left = null; this.right = null; this.headerPhoto = '#'; this.headerVideo = '#'; } } aslider.create.prototype = {// Prototype $ : function(id) {return document.getElementById(id);}, addHandler : function(o, e, h) { if (o.addEventListener) o.addEventListener(e, h, false); else if (o.attachEvent) o.attachEvent('on' + e, h); }, init : function() { this.left = this.$('aleft_' + this.id); this.right = this.$('aright_' + this.id); this.table = this.$('acont_' + this.id); this.ie6 = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie 6') != -1) ? true : false; this.ie8 = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie 8') != -1) ? true : false; this.row = this.table.rows[0]; if (!(this.left && this.right && this.table)) return false; if (!(typeof this.data != 'undefined' && this.data.length)) return false; if (this.id == 'video') { this.dataL = this.data.length; for (var i = 0; i < this.dataL; i++) { this.data[i][2].title = (this.data[i][2].title.length > 36) ? (this.data[i][2].title.substr(0,36) + '…') : this.data[i][2].title; } } this.left.style.display = this.right.style.display = ''; this.length = this.data.length; this.mix(); var _this = this; // Add handlers this.left.onmousedown = function(evt) { evt = evt || window.event; if (evt.preventDefault) evt.preventDefault(); _this.longer = true; _this.goLeft(); return false; } this.left.ondragstart = function() {return false;}; this.left.onclick = function(evt) {return false;} this.right.onmousedown = function(evt) { evt = evt || window.event; if (evt.preventDefault) evt.preventDefault(); _this.longer = true; _this.goRight(); return false; } this.right.ondragstart = function() {return false;}; this.right.onclick = function(evt) {return false;} this.addHandler(document, 'mouseup', function() {_this.longer = false;}); this.addHandler(window, 'mouseout', function() {_this.longer = false;}); this.addHandler(window, 'load', function() { _this.resize(); _this.preload(); }); this.addHandler(window, 'resize', function() { _this.resize(); }); this.resize(); }, mix : function() { if (this.mixData) { this.data.sort(function() { return Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1; }); } }, resize : function() { if (this.moveState) { setTimeout('aslider.get("'+this.id+'").resize()', 100); return; } if (this.table.offsetWidth) { var _t = this; setTimeout(function() { if (typeof _t != 'undefined') { _t.items = Math.floor(_t.table.parentNode.offsetWidth / _t.itemWidth); _t.setShowest(); _t.draw(); if (_t.id != 'video') _t.freeze(); } }, 1); } }, setShowest : function() { this.showest = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.items; i++) this.showest[i] = this.cur + i >= this.length ? this.cur + i - this.length : this.cur + i; this.getHTML(); }, draw : function() { if (this.moveState || this.longer) return; for (i = this.row.cells.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.row.deleteCell(i); } for (i = 0; i < this.html.length; i++) { this.row.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = this.html[i]; } }, getHTML : function() { this.html = []; var index, i; if (this.id == 'video') { for (var i = 0; i < this.showest.length; i++) { index = this.showest[i]; var but_play = !this.ie6 ? '//img.mail.ru/r/watermark_90x50.png' : '//img.imgsmail.ru/0.gif'; this.html[i] = '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
' + '
Видео: ' + this.data[index][2].album_name + '
' + '' + this.data[index][2].title + '
' + '' + '
'; } } else { for (var i = 0; i < this.showest.length; i++) { index = this.showest[i]; this.html[i] = '
'; } } }, goLeft : function() { if (this.moveState) return; this.cur -= this.items; this.cur = this.cur < 0 ? this.cur + this.length : this.cur; this.setShowest(); this.update(0) }, goRight : function() { if (this.moveState) return; this.cur += this.items; this.cur = this.cur >= this.length ? this.cur - this.length : this.cur; this.setShowest(); this.update(1); }, update : function(r,i,w) { this.moveState = true; this.preload(); var _this = this; w = this.table.offsetWidth; if (r) for (var i = 0; i < this.html.length; i++) this.row.insertCell(-1).innerHTML = this.html[i]; else for (var i = this.html.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) this.row.insertCell(0).innerHTML = this.html[i]; this.freeze(w); if (!r) this.table.style.marginLeft = (-1)*w + 'px'; this.move((r?0:(-1)*w), (r?0:(-1)*w), (r?(-1)*w:0), r); }, preload : function() { var div, s, i, radius = 6, html = ''; if (!(div = this.$('preloader_'+this.id))) { div = document.createElement("div"); div.id = 'preloader_'+this.id; s = div.style; s.position = "absolute"; s.top = s.left = 0; s.visibility = "hidden"; document.body.appendChild(div); } div = this.$('preloader_'+this.id); for (i = this.cur - radius; i <= this.cur + radius; i++) { if (this.data[i] && typeof this.preloaded[i] == 'undefined') { html += '\n'; this.preloaded[i] = true; } } if (html) div.innerHTML += html; }, move : function(x, start, end, r) { var percent = x / (end - start) * (r ? 1 : -1); x = x + (r ? -1 : 1) * (5 + 20 * percent); clearTimeout(this.timer); this.timer = null; if ((r && x < end) || (!r && x > end)) { if (r) { for (var i = this.items - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this.row.deleteCell(i); } } else { for (var i = 2 * this.items - 1; i >= this.items; i--) { this.row.deleteCell(i); } } this.table.style.marginLeft = 0; this.freeze(); this.moveState = false; if (this.longer) { if (r) this.goRight(); else this.goLeft(); } } else { this.table.style.marginLeft = x + 'px'; this.timer = setTimeout('aslider.get("'+this.id+'").move('+x+', '+start+', '+end+', '+r+')', 5); } }, freeze : function(w) { if (w) w = w / this.items; else w = this.table.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.offsetWidth / this.items; for (var i = 0; i < this.row.cells.length; i++) { if (w) this.row.cells[i].firstChild.style.width = w + 'px'; else this.row.cells[i].firstChild.style.width = 'auto'; } } } /* ______________ код анимированного слайдера на главной морде ______________*/ /* Учёт кликов по стрелочкам полосок */ function AccountingClicks(id) { var img = new Image(); img.src = '//r.mail.ru/d' + id + '_1.gif?' + parseInt(Math.random()*100000); } /* Учёт кликов по стрелочкам полосок */ /* Cookie */ function setCookie(name, value) { var valueEscaped = escape(value); var expiresDate = new Date(); // get current time expiresDate.setTime(expiresDate.getTime() + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); // add 1 year lifetime var expires = expiresDate.toGMTString(); // get formatted date string var newCookie = name + "=" + valueEscaped + "; path=/; expires=" + expires; if (valueEscaped.length <= 4000) document.cookie = newCookie + ";"; } function getCookie(name) { var prefix = name + "="; 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this.callbackArgs = (callbackArgs)?callbackArgs:[]; this.request = new this.XHR(); } AJAX.prototype = { XHR : function() { var req = false; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { try {req = new XMLHttpRequest();} catch (e){} } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { try {req = new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');} catch (e) { try {req = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');} catch (e){} } } return req; }, send : function() { if (!this.request) return false; var correctURL=this.url, correctArgs = ""; if (this.args && this.args.length > 0) { correctArgs += ((this.method=="get")?"?":"")+this.args; } if (this.keyHash) { correctArgs += ((correctArgs.length>0)?"&":"?")+"key="+this.keyHash; } if (this.method == "get") { correctURL += correctArgs; correctArgs = null; } var t = this; if (t.timeout) { t.timeoutID = setTimeout(function(){ t.callback.apply({response:null,request:null,err:{reason:"timeout"}},t.callbackArgs); t.request.abort(); },t.timeout); } this.request.onreadystatechange = function(){(function(){ var complete = false; try { if (this.request.readyState == 4) { complete = true; } switch (this.callbackPhase) { case "complete": if (this.request.readyState == 4) { if (this.request.status == 200) { this.callback.apply({response:this.request.responseText,request:null,err:null},this.callbackArgs); } else { this.callback.apply({response:null,request:null,err:{reason:"!200",status:this.request.status}},this.callbackArgs); } } break; case "process": this.callback.apply({response:null,request:this.request,err:null},this.callbackArgs); break; } } catch (e) {complete = true;} if (complete) { this.timeout?clearTimeout(this.timeoutID):null; } }).call(t);}; this.request.open(this.method, correctURL, true); (this.method == "post")?this.request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"):null; (!this.bCached)?this.request.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", "Sat, 1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"):null; this.request.send(correctArgs); return true; } }; var Suggest = function (c) { this.addObjectToThis = function(obj) { for (var x in obj) { if (typeof this[x] != "undefined") { //alert("Reserver var \"" + x + "\".\nOld value to be rewrite."); } this[x] = obj[x]; } }; /* Flags */ this._operOff = false; this._operIgnored = false; this._operTimeout = false; this._operRequest = false; /* Timeout */ this.sReqDelay = 200; this.sReqTimeout = false; /* Cache */ this.cache = {}; this.cacheCounter = 0; this.cacheLimit = 100; this.cacheResponses = {}; this.submitType = false; this.redirectLink = false; this.suggestAreaXCor = 0; this.suggestAreaYCor = 0; this.suggestAreaWidth = 350; this.suggestAreaHeight = 0; this.addObjectToThis(c); /* URL */ this.sReqUrl = null; this.sReqHS = this.sReqUrlHost + this.sReqUrlScript; if (!this.sReqMethod) this.sReqMethod = "GET"; this.fieldCurrentValue = null; this.fieldCurrentValueEncode = null; this.fieldCurrentValueLength = null; this.fieldPrevValue = null; this.fieldPrevValueEncode = null; this.fieldPrevValueLength = null; /* AJAX Response */ this.response = null; this.responseObj = null; /* Suggest */ this.suggestMouseOver = false; this.suggestArea = null; this.suggestAreaHTML = null; this.suggestBlock = null; 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} return true; }, defineReqUrlParam : function() { var i = 0; var coolParam = ""; if (this.sReqUrlParam) { for (var x in this.sReqUrlParam) { coolParam += ((i++!=0)?"&":"") + x + "="; if ((typeof this.sReqUrlParam[x]).toLowerCase() == "array" || (typeof this.sReqUrlParam[x]).toLowerCase() == "object") { if ((this[this.sReqUrlParam[x]] === false || typeof this[this.sReqUrlParam[x]] == "undefined") && this[this.sReqUrlParam[x]] !== null) { //alert("Incorrect var name \"" + this.sReqUrlParam[x] + "\" in class!"); continue; } coolParam += this[this.sReqUrlParam[x]]; } else { coolParam += this.sReqUrlParam[x]; } } } return coolParam; }, destroyThis : function() { this._operOff = true; }, fieldFocusMoveToEnd : function() { if (this.field.createTextRange) { var c=0,b=0; var d=this.field.createTextRange(),e=document.selection.createRange(); if(d.inRange(e)){ d.setEndPoint("EndToStart",e); b=d.text.length; d.setEndPoint("EndToEnd",e); c=d.text.length; } } else if (this.field.selectionStart) { var end = this.field.value.length; this.field.setSelectionRange(end,end); } this.field.focus(); }, fieldValueCheck : function() { var r = /^[ \s]*$/i; r = r.test(this.field.value); return r?false:true; }, formSubmit: function() { this.suggestAreaDestroy(); if (this.redirectLink) { redirect(this.redirectLink); this.redirectLink = false; return false; } if (this.formSubmitFunc) { this.formSubmitFunc.apply(this.form,this.formSubmitFuncAttr); } else { this.form.submit(); } }, getFieldValue : function() { this.fieldCurrentValue = this.field.value; this.fieldCurrentValueLength = this.fieldCurrentValue.length; this.fieldCurrentValueEncode = encodeURIComponent(this.fieldCurrentValue.toLowerCase()); }, getResultInCache : function() { if (this.cacheResponses[this.fieldCurrentValueEncode] == "OK") { this.suggestAreaCreate(this.cache[this.fieldCurrentValueEncode],true); } else { if (this.suggestOpen) { this.suggestAreaDestroy(); } } if (this.cacheCounter > this.cacheLimit) { this.cacheClean(); } }, keyEvents : function(keyCode) { switch (keyCode) { case 13: if (this.suggestOpen && this.suggestItemSelect !== null) { this.submitType = "keydown"; if (!this.redirectLink) { this.field.value = this.suggestItems[this.suggestItemSelect].firstChild.firstChild.innerHTML; } } else { this.submitType = "default"; } break; case 27: if (this.suggestOpen) { if (this.suggestItemSelect !== null) { this.field.value = this.fieldPrevValue; } this.suggestAreaDestroy(); } break; case 38: if (this.suggestOpen) { this.suggestItemArrowSelect("up"); } break; case 40: if (this.suggestOpen) { this.suggestItemArrowSelect("down"); } else { this.getResultInCache(); } break; } return false; }, keyFilter : function(keyCode) { switch (keyCode) { case null: case 9: case 13: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 27: case 38: case 40: return false; break; default: return true; break; } }, responseHandler : function(res,err) { if (err) { this._operRequest = false; if (this.suggestOpen) { this.suggestAreaDestroy(); } return false; } res = (new Function('return (' + res + ')'))(); if (res.AJAXResponse == "OK" && res.response.length == 1 && res.response[0].query == this.fieldCurrentValue.toLowerCase()) { res.AJAXResponse = "ERR-NO_RESPONSE"; } this.response = res.AJAXResponse; if (res.AJAXResponse == "OK") { this.responseObj = res.response; if (this.compareValues() && !this.suggestOpen) { this.suggestAreaCreate(this.responseObj); } else if (this.suggestOpen) { this.suggestAreaCreate(this.responseObj); } } else { if (this.suggestOpen) { this.suggestAreaDestroy(); } } this.cacheWrite(); if (!this.compareValues()) { this.getFieldValue(); if (this.fieldCurrentValueLength != 0) { if (this.cacheCheck()) { this.getResultInCache(); this.setPrevFieldValue(); } else { this.setOperTimeout(); return false; } } } this.setPrevFieldValue(); this._operRequest = false; return true; }, sendRequest : function() { var t = this; var req = new AJAX(this.sReqHS,this.defineReqUrlParam(),false,this.sReqMethod,3000,false,function(){ var response = this.response; var error = this.err; t.responseHandler.apply(t,[response,error]); },"complete"); if (req.send()) { this._operRequest = true; clearTimeout(this._operTimeout); this._operTimeout = false; } }, setFieldEvents : function() { var t = this; var f = function (e) { e = e || window.event; t.switcher.call(t,e); }; //addHandler(this.field,"keypress",f); addHandler(this.field,"keydown",f); addHandler(this.field,"keyup",f); addHandler(this.field,"blur",function(){ if (t.suggestOpen && !t.suggestMouseOver) { if (t.suggestItemSelect !== null) { t.field.value = t.fieldPrevValue; } t.suggestAreaDestroy.call(t); } }); addHandler(document.body,"click",function(){(t.suggestOpen && !t.suggestMouseOver)?t.suggestAreaDestroy.call(t):null;}); }, setFormSubmitHandler : function() { if (this.formSubmitFunc) { var t = this; addHandler(this.form,"submit",function(e){ e = e || window.event; preventDefault(e); t.formSubmit.call(t); }); return true; } return false; }, setIgnored : function(value) { var old_value = this._operIgnored; this._operIgnored = value; return old_value; }, setOperTimeout : function() { var t = this; this._operTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ t.sendRequest.call(t); t.setPrevFieldValue.call(t); },this.sReqDelay); }, setPrevFieldValue : function() { this.fieldPrevValue = this.fieldCurrentValue; this.fieldPrevValueEncode = this.fieldCurrentValueEncode; this.fieldPrevValueLength = this.fieldCurrentValueLength; }, suggestBlockPosCorrect : function(obj) { var w = this.field.offsetWidth; var h = this.field.offsetHeight; var pos = absPosition(this.field); var x = pos.x; var y = pos.y; obj.style.left = (x+this.suggestAreaXCor) + "px"; obj.style.top = ((y+h)+this.suggestAreaYCor) + "px"; obj.style.width = this.suggestAreaWidth + "px"; if (this.suggestAreaHeight) { obj.style.height = this.suggestAreaHeight + "px"; } return obj; }, suggestAreaCreate : function(res, cache) { if (!this.suggestBlockID) return; this.suggestCleanItemCounters(); var sb, i; var ie5 = browser.ie5; var ie6 = browser.ie6; if (!document.getElementById(this.suggestBlockID) && this.suggestBlock === null) { var t = this; var f = function(e, click) { e = e || window.event; var obj = e.target || e.srcElement; while (obj) { if (obj.id == t.suggestBlockID) { return; } if (click && obj.nodeName == "A" && obj.className == "sClose") { t.suggestAreaDestroy(); t.destroyThis(); return; } else if (obj.nodeName == "TR") { break; } else { obj = obj.parentNode; } } var arg = (click)?[obj,true]:[obj]; t.suggestItemMouseSelect.apply(t,arg); }; var root = self.parent.document; var wrp = createElement("div"); var inr = createElement("div"); var sar = createElement("div"); var clsB = createElement("div"); var clsL = createElement("a"); var crnTR = createElement("b"); var crnBL = createElement("b"); var crnBR = createElement("b"); var brdR = createElement("b"); var brdB = createElement("b"); crnTR.className = "sCrnTR"; crnBL.className = "sCrnBL"; crnBR.className = "sCrnBR"; brdR.className = "sBrdR"; brdB.className = "sBrdB"; this.suggestBlock = createElement("div"); this.suggestBlock.id = this.suggestBlockID; this.suggestBlock.style.position = "absolute"; this.suggestBlockPosCorrect(this.suggestBlock); wrp.className = "sWrap"; inr.className = "sInnr"; sar.id = "g"+"ogo"+"S"+"ug"+"ges"+"tA"+"r"+"ea"+"_"+Math.round(Math.random()*1000000); sar.setAttribute("copyright","GoGo.Ru"); 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str = ''+item.site+''; j = !j; arguments.callee(item.query); link = true; } else if (!str) { link = false; str = item.query; } tr = createElement("tr"); tr.className = 'rn' + (str && link ? ' link' : ''); td1 = createElement("td"); td1d = createElement("div"); td1d.innerHTML = str; td1.appendChild(td1d); tr.appendChild(td1); tbody.appendChild(tr); td1.className = "squery"; })(); } table.appendChild(tbody); table.className = "sList"; return table; }, suggestItemArrowSelect: function(arr) { if (!this.suggestItems) return; if (this.selectArrowPause) return; var n = this.suggestItems; var nl = n.length - 1; var v,t=this; if (this.suggestItemSelect === null) { if (arr == "down") { this.suggestItemSelect = 0; } else { this.suggestItemSelect = nl; } } else { n[this.suggestItemSelect].className = n[this.suggestItemSelect].className.replace('ra','rn'); if (arr == "down") { this.suggestItemSelect++; } else { this.suggestItemSelect--; } } if (this.suggestItemSelect < 0 || this.suggestItemSelect > nl) { this.suggestItemSelect = null; v = this.fieldPrevValue; } else { n[this.suggestItemSelect].className = n[this.suggestItemSelect].className.replace('rn','ra'); var obj = n[this.suggestItemSelect].firstChild.firstChild; 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while (i--) { if (check.test(n[i].className)) { this.suggestItemSelect = i; break; } } }, switcher : function(e) { if (this._operOff) return false; var keyCode = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which ? e.which : null; if (!this.fieldValueCheck() && this.suggestOpen) { this.suggestAreaDestroy(); } if (this._operIgnored) return false; if (this._operTimeout) return false; if (this._operRequest) return false; if (!this.keyFilter(keyCode)) { if (e.type == "keydown") { this.keyEvents(keyCode); } return false; } this.getFieldValue(); if (!this.fieldValueCheck()) { if (this.suggestOpen) { this.suggestAreaDestroy(); } } else { if (this.cacheCheck()) { this.getResultInCache(); this.setPrevFieldValue(); } else { this.setOperTimeout(); } } } }; /* END SUGGEST */ function base64Encode( data ) { var b64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; var o1, o2, o3, h1, h2, h3, h4, bits, i=0, enc=''; do { o1 = data.charCodeAt(i++); o2 = data.charCodeAt(i++); o3 = data.charCodeAt(i++); bits = o1<<16 | o2<<8 | o3; h1 = bits>>18 & 0x3f; h2 = bits>>12 & 0x3f; h3 = bits>>6 & 0x3f; h4 = bits & 0x3f; enc += b64.charAt(h1) + b64.charAt(h2) + b64.charAt(h3) + b64.charAt(h4); } while (i < data.length); switch( data.length % 3 ){ case 1: enc = enc.slice(0, -2) + '=='; break; case 2: enc = enc.slice(0, -1) + '='; break; } enc = enc.replace(new RegExp("=", "g"), "%3D"); enc = enc.replace(new RegExp("\/", "g"), "%2F"); return enc; } function chr(code) { return String.fromCharCode(code); } function code2utf(code) { if (code < 128) return chr(code); if (code < 2048) return chr(192+(code>>6)) + chr(128+(code&63)); if (code < 65536) return chr(224+(code>>12)) + chr(128+((code>>6)&63)) + chr(128+(code&63)); if (code < 2097152) return chr(240+(code>>18)) + chr(128+((code>>12)&63)) + chr(128+((code>>6)&63)) + chr(128+(code&63)); } function _utf8Encode(str) { var utf8str = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) utf8str[i] = code2utf(str.charCodeAt(i)); return utf8str.join(''); } function utf8Encode(str) { var utf8str = new Array(); var pos,j = 0; var tmpStr = ''; while ((pos = str.search(/[^\x00-\x7F]/)) != -1) { tmpStr = str.match(/([^\x00-\x7F]+[\x00-\x7F]{0,10})+/)[0]; utf8str[j++] = str.substr(0, pos); utf8str[j++] = _utf8Encode(tmpStr); str = str.substr(pos + tmpStr.length); } utf8str[j++] = str; return utf8str.join(''); } function strip(s){ return s.replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, ""); } function mapSearch(hElem, value) { hElem.href += base64Encode(utf8Encode(strip(value))); return 0; } /* search_top End */ /* go_harmony Start */ (function(){ var GO = { ge: function (id) { return GO.doc.getElementById(id); }, chr: function () { if (arguments.length > 1) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, arguments); } return String.fromCharCode.call(null, arguments[0]); }, setQuery: function (oElem) { oElem.href += document.MSearch.q.value; return true; }, mapSearch: function (hElem, value) { hElem.href += GO.base64.encodeURI(value); return true; }, checkForm: function (oForm) { if (oForm.elements.q.value !== "") { return true; } window.location.href = "//go.mail.ru"; return false; } }; GO.win = this; GO.doc = document; GO.head = GO.doc.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || GO.doc.documentElement; /* BEGIN GO.utf8 part */ var utf8re1 = /[^\x00-\x7F]/, utf8re2 = /([^\x00-\x7F]+[\x00-\x7F]{0,10})+/, utf8encodeFn1 = function (a) { if (a < 128) { return GO.chr(a); } if (a < 2048) { return GO.chr(192 + (a >> 6)) + GO.chr(128 + (a & 63)); } if (a < 65536) { return GO.chr(224 + (a >> 12)) + GO.chr(128 + ((a >> 6) & 63)) + GO.chr(128 + (a & 63)); } //if (a < 2097152) { // return GO.chr(240 + (a >> 18)) + GO.chr(128 + ((a >> 12) & 63)) + GO.chr(128 + ((a >> 6) & 63)) + GO.chr(128 + (a & 63)); //} return GO.chr(240 + (a >> 18)) + GO.chr(128 + ((a >> 12) & 63)) + GO.chr(128 + ((a >> 6) & 63)) + GO.chr(128 + (a & 63)); }, utf8encodeFn2 = function (b) { var c = [], i = 0, l = b.length; while (i < l) { c[i] = utf8encodeFn1(b.charCodeAt(i++)); } return c.join(''); }, utf8decodeFn = function (d) { var a = [], c1, c2, c3, c4, l = d.length, j = 0, i = 0; while (i < l) { c1 = d.charCodeAt(i++); if (c1 > 127) { c2 = d.charCodeAt(i++); } if (c1 > 223) { c3 = d.charCodeAt(i++); } if (c1 > 239) { c4 = d.charCodeAt(i++); } a[j++] = (function(){ if (c1 < 128) { return GO.chr(c1); } if (c1 < 224) { return GO.chr(((c1 - 192) << 6) + (c2 - 128)); } if (c1 < 240) { return GO.chr(((c1 - 224) << 12) + ((c2 - 128) << 6) + (c3 - 128)); } return GO.chr(((c1 - 240) << 18) + ((c2 - 128) << 12) + ((c3 - 128) << 6) + (c4 - 128)); })(); } return a.join(''); }; GO.utf8 = { encode: function (d) { d = d.replace(/^\s*/,"").replace(/\s*$/,""); var e = [], j = 0, g = '', f; while ((f = d.search(utf8re1)) != -1) { g = d.match(utf8re2)[0]; e[j++] = d.substr(0,f); e[j++] = utf8encodeFn2(g); d = d.substr(f + g.length); } e[j++] = d; return e.join(''); }, decode: function (d) { var a = [], b = 0, c = '', j = 0; while ((b = d.search(utf8re1)) != -1) { c = d.match(utf8re2)[0]; a[j++] = d.substr(0, b); a[j++] = utf8decodeFn(c); d = d.substr(b + c.length); } a[j++] = d; return a.join(''); } }; /* END GO.utf8 part */ /* BEGIN base64 part */ var base64coll = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/="; GO.base64 = { encode: function (a) { var l = a.length, c, o2, o3, h1, h2, h3, h4, bits, i = 0, enc = ""; do { c = a.charCodeAt(i++); o2 = a.charCodeAt(i++); o3 = a.charCodeAt(i++); bits = c << 16 | o2 << 8 | o3; h1 = bits >> 18 & 0x3f; h2 = bits >> 12 & 0x3f; h3 = bits >> 6 & 0x3f; h4 = bits & 0x3f; enc += base64coll.charAt(h1) + base64coll.charAt(h2) + base64coll.charAt(h3) + base64coll.charAt(h4); } while (i < l); switch (a.length % 3) { case 1: enc = enc.slice(0,-2) + '=='; break; case 2: enc = enc.slice(0,-1) + '='; break; } return enc; }, encodeURI: function (a) { return this.encode(GO.utf8.encode(a)).replace(/=/g,'%3D').replace(/\//g,'%2F'); }, decode: function (a) { var l = a.length, o1, o2, o3, h1, h2, h3, h4, bits, i=0, enc=''; do { h1 = base64coll.indexOf(a.charAt(i++)); h2 = base64coll.indexOf(a.charAt(i++)); h3 = base64coll.indexOf(a.charAt(i++)); h4 = base64coll.indexOf(a.charAt(i++)); bits = h1 << 18 | h2 << 12 | h3 << 6 | h4; o1 = bits >> 16 & 0xff; o2 = bits >> 8 & 0xff; o3 = bits & 0xff; if (h3 == 64) { enc += GO.chr(o1); } else if (h4 == 64) { enc += GO.chr(o1, o2); } else { enc += GO.chr(o1, o2, o3); } } while (i < l); return enc; }, decodeURI: function (a) { return GO.utf8.decode(this.decode(a.replace(/\%3D/gi, '=').replace(/\%2F/gi, '/'))); } }; /* END base64 part */ /* BEGIN onAir part */ GO.onAir = (function(){ var w = window, d = document, bind = function (elem, eType, fn) { if (elem.addEventListener) { elem.addEventListener(eType, fn, false); } else if (elem.attachEvent) { elem.attachEvent("on" + eType, fn); } return elem; }, OBJ2URI = function (obj) { var str = '', idx, i = true, item; for (idx in obj) { if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(idx)) { continue; } item = obj[idx]; str += (i ? '' : '&') + idx + '=' + (item.call ? item.call(this) : item); (i)?i=!i:null; } return str; }, run = function (str) { return (new Function("return (" + str + ")"))(); }, trim = function (str) { return str.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''); }, cutString = function (str, len, pst) { pst = pst || ''; if (len != 0 && str.length > len) { str = trim(str).substring(0, len) + pst; } return str; }, ID = 0, onAir = function (arg) { if (this.onAir) { return new onAir(arg); } if (!arg.parent || (!arg.requestURI && arg.requestURI != '' && !arg['static'])) { this.idx = null; return false; } onAir.instances[this.idx = ID++] = this; this.block = { id: 'onAirBlock_' + this.idx, node: null, width: arg.blockWidth || '', height: arg.blockHeight || '', className: arg.blockClass || false }; this.parent = arg.parent.nodeName ? arg.parent : d.getElementById(arg.parent); this.staticList = arg['static'] || false; this.list = { id: 'onAirList_' + this.idx, node: null, className: arg.listClass || false, items: [], itemClass: arg.listItemClass || false, itemHeight: false, itemHeightSet: arg.listItemHeight || false, itemMaxLength: arg.listItemMaxLength || 0, visibleItems: 0, mouseFocus: false }; this.scroll = { speed: arg.scrollSpeed || 1, amount: arg.scrollAmount || 2, currentItem: 0, currentScroll: 0, delay: arg.scrollDelay || 2000, delayTID: null, timeout: arg.scrollTimeout || 25, isAction: false, loop: 0 }; this.request = { type: arg.requestType || 'AJAX', uri: arg.requestURI, attr: arg.requestAttr || {}, period: arg.requestPeriod || 0, isAction: false, loadBlock: null, responseCharset: arg.requestResponseCharset || 'windows-1251' }; this.data = null; }; onAir.prototype = { get: function (data) { if (data) { if (typeof (data) === 'string') { try { data = run(data); } catch (e) {data = null} } return this.data = data; } else { switch (this.request.type) { case 'AJAX': this.sendRequestAjax(); break; case 'SCRIPT': this.sendRequestScript(); break; } } }, responseHandler: function (instance) { if (this.err) { (function(){ this.request.isAction = false; this.hideLoadBlock(); this.startScrollTimer(); }).call(instance); return; } if (this.response && this.response != '') { var response = this.response; (function(){ this.request.isAction = false; this.hideLoadBlock(); this.data = this.get(response); this.insertListItems(); this.setOperations(); }).call(instance); } }, sendRequestAjax: function () { var request = new AJAX( this.request.uri, OBJ2URI.call(this, this.request.attr), false, 'GET', 5000, false, this.responseHandler, 'complete', [this] ); if (request.send()) { this.request.isAction = true; this.showLoadBlock(); } }, sendRequestScript: function () { var t = this, id = 'r_oascr', oldScript, script = d.createElement('script'); if (oldScript = d.getElementById(id)) { oldScript.parentNode.removeChild(oldScript); } script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.src = this.request.uri + '?' + OBJ2URI.call(this, this.request.attr); script.id = id; script.setAttribute('charset',this.request.responseCharset); this.request.isAction = true; this.showLoadBlock(); return d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script); }, createLoadBlock: function () { var block = this.request.loadBlock = d.createElement('div'); block.id = 'onAirLoadBlock_' + this.idx; block.className = 'onAirLoadBlock'; return this.block.node.appendChild(block); }, showLoadBlock: function () { var block; if (!(block = this.request.loadBlock)) { block = this.createLoadBlock(); } block.style.display = 'block'; return block; }, hideLoadBlock: function () { var block; if (!(block = this.request.loadBlock)) { block = this.createLoadBlock(); } block.style.display = 'none'; return block; }, setOperations: function () { if ((this.list.itemHeight * this.list.items.length) <= this.block.node.offsetHeight) { this.startScrollTimer = function(){}; return; } this.startScrollTimer(); }, sendRequest: function () { var t = this; (function(){ if (t.scroll.isAction || t.list.mouseFocus) { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10); } else { t.stopScrollTimer.call(t); t.get.call(t); } })(); }, startScrollTimer: function () { var t = this; return (this.scroll.delayTID !== null) ? null : this.scroll.delayTID = setTimeout(function(){ t.scrolling.call(t); }, this.scroll.delay); }, stopScrollTimer: function (tid) { tid = tid || this.scroll.delayTID; if (tid !== null) { clearTimeout(tid); this.scroll.delayTID = null; } }, scrolling: function (item) { var t = this, amount = this.scroll.amount, nextItem = this.scroll.currentItem + amount, scrollLength, step, scroll = 0, list = this.list.node, height = this.list.itemHeight * amount, handler; this.scroll.isAction = true; if (!this.list.items[this.scroll.currentItem + this.list.visibleItems]) { this.scroll.loop++; if (!this.staticList && this.request.period && this.scroll.loop == this.request.period) { handler = function () { t.scroll.currentScroll = 0; t.scroll.currentItem = 0; t.scroll.loop = 0; t.scroll.isAction = false; t.sendRequest.call(t); }; } else { step = (scrollLength = t.scroll.currentScroll) * (this.scroll.speed / 10); handler = function () { scroll = ((scroll += step) > scrollLength) ? scrollLength : parseInt(scroll); list.style.top = (scroll == scrollLength?'':'-') + (t.scroll.currentScroll - scroll) + 'px'; if (scroll == scrollLength) { t.scroll.currentScroll = 0; t.scroll.currentItem = 0; t.scroll.isAction = false; t.startScrollTimer.call(t); } else { setTimeout(arguments.callee, t.scroll.timeout); } }; } } else { step = (scrollLength = height) * (this.scroll.speed / 10); handler = function () { var px; scroll = ((scroll += step) > scrollLength) ? scrollLength : parseInt(scroll); list.style.top = '-' + (px = (t.scroll.currentScroll + scroll))+'px'; if (scroll == scrollLength) { t.scroll.currentScroll = px; t.scroll.isAction = false; t.startScrollTimer.call(t); } else { setTimeout(arguments.callee, t.scroll.timeout); } }; } this.scroll.delayTID = null; this.scroll.currentItem = nextItem; handler(); }, setItemsAttr: function () { var items = this.list.items, l = items.length, item; while (l--) { item = items[l]; if (this.list.itemHeightSet) { item.style.height = this.list.itemHeightSet + 'px'; } } if (!this.list.itemHeight) { if (this.list.itemHeightSet) { this.list.itemHeight = this.list.itemHeightSet } else { this.list.itemHeight = item.offsetHeight; } } this.list.visibleItems = Math.floor(this.block.height / this.list.itemHeight); return items; }, createBlock: function (id) { var block = this.block.node = d.createElement('div'); block.id = id || this.block.id; block.style.width = this.block.width + (typeof this.block.width === 'string' ? '' : 'px'); block.style.height = this.block.height + (typeof this.block.height === 'string' ? '' : 'px'); block.style.overflow = 'hidden'; block.style.position = 'relative'; this.block.className ? block.className = this.block.className : null; return block; }, createList: function () { var list = this.list.node = d.createElement('ul'); list.id = this.list.id; list.style.position = 'relative'; this.list.className ? list.className = this.list.className : null; return list; }, clearList: function () { var list = this.list.node, items = this.list.items, item; while (item = list.firstChild) { list.removeChild(item); } items.length = 0; list.style.top = ''; this.scroll.currentScroll = 0; this.scroll.currentItem = 0; }, createListItems: function (data, list) { list = list || this.list.node; var i = data.length, items = []; if (this.list.items.length != 0) { this.clearList(); } if (data && i != 0) { while (i--) { items[i] = list.insertBefore(this.createListItem(data[i], i), list.firstChild); } } return this.list.items = items; }, createListItem: function (data, idx, item) { item = item || d.createElement('li'); var className = this.list.itemClass; item.className = (className ? className + ' ' : '') + ((idx % 2) == 0 ? 'odd' : 'even'); item.innerHTML = '' + cutString(data[0], this.list.itemMaxLength, '…') + ''; return item; }, insertListItems: function (list) { list = list || this.list.node; list.style.visibility = 'hidden'; if (this.createListItems(this.data).length != 0) { this.setItemsAttr(); } list.style.visibility = ''; return list; }, create: function () { if (this.idx === null) { return false; } var t = this, block = this.createBlock(this.block.id), scrollStart = function(){ t.list.mouseFocus = false; if (!t.scroll.isAction) { t.startScrollTimer.call(t); } }; block.appendChild(this.createList()); this.parent.appendChild(block); bind(bind(this.list.node, 'mouseover', function(){ t.list.mouseFocus = true; if (!t.scroll.isAction) { t.stopScrollTimer.call(t); } else { setTimeout(arguments.callee, 10); } }), 'mouseout', scrollStart); if (this.staticList) { this.data = this.get(this.staticList); this.insertListItems(); this.setOperations(); } else { this.get(); } } }; onAir.instances = []; onAir.responseScript = function (instanceID, response) { var instance = this.instances[instanceID]; instance.responseHandler.call(response, instance); }; return onAir; })(); /* END onAir part */ /* BEGIN MRP part */ GO.MRP = (function(){ var G = 0, W = this, D = document, H = D.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || D.documentElement, expando = "MRP_" + now(); function now () { return +new Date; } /* * var suggest = new MRP({ * field: {String|DOMNode} id or DOMNode input * form: [Optional] {String|DOMNode} id or DOMNode field form * onsubmit: [Optional] {Function} onsubmit form handler * wrapper: [Optional] {String|DOMNode} id or DOMNode wrapper area suggest * wrapperId: [Optional] {String} id wrapper node, default "mrp-wrap-[GUID]" * wrapperCln: [Optional] {String} class wrapper node, default "mrp-wrap" * inner: [Optional] {String|DOMNode} id or DOMNode inner area suggest * innerId: [Optional] {String} id inner node, default "mrp-innr-[GUID]" * innerCln: [Optional] {String} class inner node, default "mrp-innr" * itemsId: [Optinal] {String} id each suggest item, default "mrp-item-[GUID]-[ITEM-ID]" * itemsCln: [Optinal] {String} class each suggest item, default "mrp-item" * itemsSelectCln: [Optinal] {String} class selected suggest item, default "mrp-item-select" * itemsLimit: [Optional] {Number} max number suggest item list, default 10 * checkFreq: [Optional] {Number} default 150 * keyLockFreq: [Optional] {Number} default 100 * cacheLimit: [Optional] {Number} default 100 * requestProtocol: [Optinal] * requestHost: [Optinal] * requestPort: [Optinal] * requestPath: [Optinal] * requestQuery: [Optinal], default { callback: "JSONP.cb", cp: function () {return this.valueCurr.length;}, q: function () {return this.valueCurr;} } * requestCharset: [Optinal], default "windows-1251" * correctPosX: [Optinal], default 0 * correctPosY: [Optinal], default 0 * }); */ /** * Конструктор саджестов * @param {Node|String} field Поле, к которому надо прицепить подсказаньки * @param {Object} sets Объект с полями настройки саджестовы * @return {Undefined} Void */ var MRP = function (sets) { /* Если нету настроек вообще, то создаем пустой объект */ sets = sets || {}; /* Если нету данных о поле, то возвращаем false */ if (!sets.field) { return false; } this.guid = G++; /* DOMNode поля, к которому все это дело колдуется. */ this.field = MRP.gee(sets.field); /* DOMNode формы, которой принадлежит поле. */ this.form = MRP.gee(sets.form); this.onsubmit = sets.onsubmit || null; this.ondraw = sets.ondraw || null; this.wrapper = MRP.gee(sets.wrapper); this.wrapperId = this.wrapper && !sets.wrapperId && this.wrapper.id || sets.wrapperId || "mrp-wrap-" + this.guid; this.wrapperCln = this.wrapper && !sets.wrapperCln && this.wrapper.className || sets.wrapperCln || "mrp-wrap"; this.inner = this.wrapper && MRP.gee(sets.inner); this.innerId = this.inner && !sets.innerId && this.inner.id || sets.innerId || "mrp-innr-" + this.guid; this.innerCln = this.inner && !sets.innerCln && this.inner.className || sets.innerCln || "mrp-innr"; this.items = []; this.itemsFilled = []; this.itemsId = sets.itemsId || "mrp-item-" + this.guid + "-"; this.itemsCln = sets.itemsCln || "mrp-item"; this.itemsSelectCln = sets.itemsSelectCln || "mrp-item-select"; this.itemsLimit = sets.itemsLimit || 10; this.itemsCurr = null; /* периодичность проверки поля на изменение содержимого текста */ this.checkFreq = sets.checkFreq || 150; this.keyLockFreq = sets.keyLockFreq || 100; /* Счетчик для кэша */ this._i = 0; /* Кэш - массив. Здесь будет хранится все по индексам. */ this._c = []; /* Кэш - хэш-таблица. Здесь будут хранится ключи к основному кэшу. */ this._h = {}; /* Ограничение размера кэша */ this.cacheLimit = sets.cacheLimit || 100; /* Для отслеживания запросов */ this.valueCurr = ""; this.valuePrev = ""; this.valueExc = null; /* Как форматируем значение поля */ this.getValueCase = sets.getValueCase || "lower"; var location = W.location; /* Настройки для запроса подсказок */ this.request = { protocol: sets.requestProtocol || location.protocol, host: sets.requestHost || location.host, port: sets.requestPort || location.port, path: sets.requestPath || location.pathname, query: sets.requestQuery || { cp: function () { return this.valueCurr.length; }, q: function () { return this.valueCurr; } }, charset: sets.requestCharset || "windows-1251", timeout: sets.requestTimeout || 3000 }; /* Корректировка координат */ this.correctPosX = sets.correctPosX || 0; this.correctPosY = sets.correctPosY || 0; /* Всячискии флаги выполнения или наоборот */ /* Есть ли фокус и поля */ this._focus = false; /* Номер проверки. По сути id таймаута */ this._checking = false; /* Отметка паузы в проверке, она то по сути идет, но ничего не проверяет */ this._paused = false; this._off = false; this._hidden = true; this._firstCorrection = false; this._data = {}; /* Записываем созданный this в кэш экземпляров */ MRP.coll[this.guid] = this; }; MRP.fn = MRP.prototype = { show: function () { MRP.show(this.wrapper); this._hidden = false; }, hide: function () { MRP.hide(this.wrapper); this._hidden = true; }, off: function (enabled) { this._off = !enabled; }, /** * Получает значение поля в данный момент, форматируя его в зависимости с настройками * @return {String} Значение поля */ getValue: function () { var value = this.field.value; switch (this.getValueCase) { case "upper": value = value.toUpperCase(); break; case "lower": value = value.toLowerCase(); break; } return value; }, correctPosition: function () { var coords = MRP.coords(this.field); this.wrapper.style.left = coords.x + this.correctPosX + "px"; this.wrapper.style.top = coords.y + this.field.offsetHeight + this.correctPosY + "px"; }, /** * Отчищает кэш объекты и сбрасывает счетчик */ cacheClear: function () { this._i = 0; this._c = []; this._h = []; }, /** * Добавляет запись в кэш * @param {Object} cacheItem Элемент, который следует добавить в кэш. он может быть почти любого вида, но обязательно сожержать поле hid. Также добавиться еще одно - cid, автоматом * @return {Number} id добавленного элемента в кэше */ cacheWrite: function (cacheItem) { if (this._i == this.cacheLimit) { this.cacheClear(); } this._c[this._h[cacheItem.hid || ""] = cacheItem.cid = this._i] = cacheItem; return this._i++; }, /** * Получает содержимое кэша по заданному индексу * @param {String|Number} cid Индентификатор поиска в массиве (Number) или в хэше (String) * @return {Object} Содержимое кэша по заданному cid или null, если такого не было найдено */ cacheRead: function (cid) { return (cid = this.cacheCheck(cid)) !== false && this._c[cid] || null; }, /** * Проверяет, есть ли позиция в кэше. * @param {String|Number} cid Индентификатор поиска в массиве (Number) или в хэше (String) * @return {Number|Boolean} id в массиве, если найдено, в ином случае false */ cacheCheck: function (cid) { var answer = false; if (typeof cid === "number" && this._c[cid]) { answer = cid; } else if (typeof cid === "string") { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty(cid) && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this._h, cid)) { answer = this._h[cid]; } else { answer = (answer = this._h[cid]) !== undefined && answer; } } return answer; }, /** * Выбирает саджест по порядковому номеру в массиве * @param {Number} id Идентификатор элемента в массиве с актуальными подсказками * @return {Object} MRP */ itemSelect: function (id) { var item; if (this.itemsCurr !== null) { item = this.items[this.itemsFilled[this.itemsCurr]]; if (item) { item.className = item.className.replace(" " + this.itemsSelectCln, ""); } } if (id !== null) { item = this.items[this.itemsFilled[id]]; if (item) { item.className += " " + this.itemsSelectCln; } } this.itemsCurr = id; return item || null; }, /** * Выбирает саджест с заданым шагом от исходного * @param {Number} step Шаг, через который следует выбрать элемент с подсказкой. * Может быть как положительным, так и отрицательным, но никак не 0. * @return {Object} MRP */ itemSelectStep: function (step) { var length = this.itemsFilled.length, itemsCurr = this.itemsCurr, itemsNext; if (itemsCurr === null) { if (step > 0) { itemsNext = 0; } else { itemsNext = length - 1; } } else { itemsNext = itemsCurr + step; if (step > 0) { if (itemsNext > length) { itemsNext = itemsNext - length - 1; } } else { if (itemsNext < 0) { itemsNext = length + 1 + itemsNext; } } } return this.itemSelect(itemsNext); }, itemsReset: function () { this.itemSelect(null); this.itemsFilled = []; }, /** * Инициализирует подсказки. Прикрепляет все обработчики, создает поля и все самое начальное * @return {Object|Boolean} Вернет экземпляр объекта или же false, если что-то пошло не так */ init: function () { /* Прячем this в замыкании для event-хендлеров */ var _this = this; /* Проверяем, нашлося ли поле при выхове конструктора */ if (!this.field) { return false; } /* Если форма не была получена по ид или ее даже в настройках не было, то ищем ее самостоятельно */ if (!this.form) { var form = this.field; do { form = form.parentNode; } while (form && form.nodeName !== "FORM"); this.form = form; } /* Если вдруг так получилось формы все равно не получено, то возвращаем функу */ if (!this.form) { return false; } /* Выключаем автозаполнение у поля */ MRP.attr(this.field, "autocomplete", "off"); /* Получаем настоящее значение поля в момент инициализации */ this.valueCurr = this.valuePrev = this.getValue(); /* ### BIND ### */ /* Добавляем обработчик для фокуса на поле */ MRP.bind(this.field, "focus", function(){ /* Делаем отметку, что поле получило фокус */ _this._focus = true; /* Определяем функу цикличной проверки поля на изменение сожержимого */ function LoopChecking () { if (!_this._off) { if (!_this._paused) { _this.valueCurr = _this.getValue(); if (_this.valuePrev !== _this.valueCurr) { if (_this.valueExc !== _this.valueCurr) { /* Проверяем строку на пустоту, если она пуста, то скрываем блок подсказок */ if (!MRP.isEmptyStr(_this.valueCurr)) { _this.getData(_this.valueCurr); } else { _this.hide(); } _this.valuePrev = _this.valueCurr; _this.valueExc = null; } } } } _this._checking = setTimeout(LoopChecking, _this.checkFreq); } /* Запускаем ее, а дальше она сама все сделает */ LoopChecking(); }); var stayVisible = false; MRP.bind(this.field, "blur", function(){ /* Снимаем отметку о полученом полем фокусе */ _this._focus = false; /* Стопим таймаут проверки */ clearTimeout(_this._checking); setTimeout(function(){ if (!stayVisible) { _this.valuePrev = _this.valueCurr; _this.valueExc = ""; _this.hide(); } }, 200); }); var keyLock = false; MRP.bind(this.field, MRP.ua.opera ? "keypress" : "keydown", function(event){ if (keyLock) { return; } keyLock = true; setTimeout(function(){ keyLock = false; }, _this.keyLockFreq); var keyCode = event.keyCode || event.which, keyHandler = _this.keys[keyCode]; if (keyHandler) { keyHandler.call(_this); } }); var submitHandlerPr = this.onsubmit, submitHandler = this.form.onsubmit, formSubmit = submitHandlerPr; if (submitHandler) { formSubmit = submitHandlerPr || submitHandler; this.form.onsubmit = null; } this.onsubmit = function (event) { var eventType = event ? "keydown" : "click", enter = true, item = _this.itemsFilled[_this.itemsCurr]; if (item !== undefined) { if ((item = _this._data.items[item]) !== undefined && !_this._hidden) { enter = MRP.getItemPrefs(item.type).enter.call(_this, item, eventType); } } if (enter === false || formSubmit && formSubmit.call(this, eventType) === false) { return false; } else { if (!event) { _this.form.submit(); } return true; } }; MRP.bind(this.form, "submit", this.onsubmit); /* Строим, дополняем, украшаем лю... главные врапперы для результатов */ var wrapper = this.wrapper, inner = this.inner; if (!wrapper) { wrapper = MRP.ce("div"); this.wrapper = wrapper; this.hide(); D.body.appendChild(wrapper); } if (!inner) { inner = MRP.ce("div"); this.inner = wrapper.appendChild(inner); } MRP.attr(wrapper, { id: this.wrapperId, "class": this.wrapperCln }); MRP.attr(inner, { id: this.innerId, "class": this.innerCln }); MRP.bind(W, "resize", function () { _this.correctPosition(); }); /* А тут делаем уже непосредственно сами блоки результов и создаем коллекцию из них */ var counter = 0, item; while (counter < this.itemsLimit) { item = this.items[counter] = this.inner.appendChild(MRP.ce("div", { id: this.itemsId + counter, "class": this.itemsCln })); MRP.bind(item, "mousemove", function () { _this.itemSelect(this._mrp); }); MRP.bind(item, "click", function (event, target) { var submit = true, item = _this._data.items[this._mrp]; while (target && target.id !== _this.wrapperId) { if (target.rel === "mrp-nosubmit") { submit = false; break; } target = target.parentNode; } if (submit) { _this.field.value = item.text; _this.onsubmit.call(_this.form); } else { stayVisible = true; } }); counter++; } /* Если все хорошо и функа дошла до сюда, то возвращаем экземпляр */ return this; } }; /* Вспомогательный функционал */ /** * Функция обхода объекта(массива в частном случае) * @param {Array|Object} obj Массив или объект, который следует обойти * @param {Function} iterFn Callback-функция вызываемая при каждой итерации. Контекстом вызова является значение ячейки в таблице или свойства/метода в объекте. 2 передаваемых параметра: индекс и значение * @return {Number|String} последний индекс в итерации */ MRP.each = function (obj, iterFn /* TODO: , iterFnArgs */) { var idx = 0, length, item; if ((length = obj.length) !== undefined) { while (idx < length) { item = obj[idx]; if (iterFn.call(item, idx++, item) === false) { break; } } } else { for (idx in obj) { item = obj[idx]; if (iterFn.call(item, idx, item) === false) { break; } } } return idx; }; /** * Дополняет исходный объект thisObj, дополнительными полями из объекта extObj, если thisObj не указано, то дополняется контекст выхова метода this * @param {Object} extObj Дополняющий объект * @param {Object} thisObj Исходный объект, который следует дополнить [Опционально] * @return {Object} Дополненный объект */ MRP.extend = MRP.fn.extend = function (extObj, thisObj) { thisObj = thisObj || this; MRP.each(extObj, function(prop, value){ thisObj[prop] = value; }); return thisObj; }; /** * Синоним document.getElementById * @param {String} id идентификатор элемента в документе * @return {Node|Null} DOMNode или Null, если не найдено */ MRP.ge = function (id) { return D.getElementById(id); }; MRP.gee = function (idOrNode) { if (idOrNode) { if (typeof idOrNode === "string") { return MRP.ge(idOrNode); } else if (idOrNode.nodeName && idOrNode.nodeType) { return idOrNode; } } return null; }; /** * Создает Node с именем name и атрибутами attrs * @param {String} name nodeName (тег) * @param {Object} attributes Атрибуты создаваемого элемента, например {id: 'foo', title: 'bar'} * @return {Node} Созданный элемент с атрибутами attrs, если таковые были */ MRP.ce = function (name, attributes) { var node = D.createElement(name); if (attributes) { MRP.attr(node, attributes); } return node; }; /** * Добавляем обработчик (handler) по событию (event) к элементу (elem) * @param {Node} elem Элемент * @param {String} event Собитие, без приставки "on", т.е. "click", "blur", "load", ... * @param {Function} handler Обработчик по событию. Если функция вернет false, то у элемента будет отменено действие по умолчанию * @return {Node} Элемент, к которому добавлялся обработчик */ MRP.bind = function (elem, event, handler) { function fn (evt) { evt = evt || W.event; if (handler.call(elem, evt, evt.target || evt.srcElement) === false) { if (typeof evt.preventDefault !== "undefined") { evt.preventDefault(); } else { evt.returnValue = false; } } } if (typeof elem.addEventListener !== "undefined") { elem.addEventListener(event, fn, false); } else if (typeof elem.attachEvent !== "undefined") { elem.attachEvent("on" + event, fn); } return elem; }; var quot1 = /"/g, quot2 = /'/g, emptyStr = /^\s*$/; MRP.escape = { /** * Преобразовывает строку в URI-последовательность (utf8) * @param {String} str Исходная строка * @return {String} Преобразованная строка */ uri: function (str) { if (W.encodeURIComponent) { str = W.encodeURIComponent(str); } else { str = W.escape(str); } return str; }, /** * Эскейпит html спец. символы в строку * @param {String} str Исходная строка * @return {String} Преобразованная строка */ html: function (str) { return MRP .ce("p") .appendChild(D.createTextNode(str)) .parentNode .innerHTML .replace(quot1, """) .replace(quot2, "'"); } }; /** * Проверяет строку на пустоту * @return {Boolean} Возвращает true, если строка пустая или состояит из одних пробелов, иначе false */ MRP.isEmptyStr = function (str) { return emptyStr.test(str || ""); } /** * Определяет координаты (px) элемента относительно левого правого угла документа * @param {Node} elem Элемент, координаты которого нужно узнать * @return {Object} объект с координатами {x: _left_, y: _top_} */ MRP.coords = function (elem) { var left = 0, top = 0; if (typeof elem.getBoundingClientRect !== "undefined") { var box = elem.getBoundingClientRect(), body = D.body, docElem = D.documentElement; left = box.left + (W.pageXOffset || docElem.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft) - (docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0); top = box.top + (W.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop || body.scrollTop) - (docElem.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0); } else { while (elem) { left += elem.offsetLeft; top += elem.offsetTop; if (elem.offsetParent === null) { if (elem.nodeName === 'BODY') { elem = null; } else { elem = elem.parentNode; } } if (elem !== null) { elem = elem.offsetParent; } } } return { x: left, y: top }; }; /** * User-Agent * @type {Object} */ var UserAgent = new String(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); /* Дополняем строковой объект User-Agent */ MRP.ua = MRP.extend({ ie: UserAgent.indexOf("msie") != -1, ie6: UserAgent.indexOf("msie 6") != -1, ie7: UserAgent.indexOf("msie 7") != -1, ie8: UserAgent.indexOf("msie 8") != -1, ff: UserAgent.indexOf("firefox") != -1, opera: UserAgent.indexOf("opera") != -1, chrome: UserAgent.indexOf("applewebkit") != -1 && UserAgent.indexOf("chrome") != -1 }, UserAgent); /* Дополнительные переменные для проверок (Спижено из jQuery) */ var attrStyleFloat = UserAgent.ie ? "styleFloat" : "cssFloat", attrProps = { "for": "htmlFor", "class": "className", "float": attrStyleFloat, cssFloat: attrStyleFloat, styleFloat: attrStyleFloat, readonly: "readOnly", maxlength: "maxLength", cellspacing: "cellSpacing", rowspan: "rowSpan", tabindex: "tabIndex" }; /** * Получает значение аттрибута у элемента, если value не передано, если же передано, то меняет у аттрибута значение * @param {Node} elem Элемент * @param {String|Object} attribute Имя аттрибута * @param {String} value Значение аттрибута [Опционально] * @return {String|Void} Возвращает значение аттрибута, если функция вызввалась без указания значения, в ином случае ничего не возвращает */ MRP.attr = function (elem, attribute, value) { if (typeof attribute === "object") { MRP.each(attribute, function (attribute, value) { MRP.attr(elem, attribute, value); }); } else { if (value) { MRP.attr.st.call(elem, attribute, value); } else { return MRP.attr.gt.call(elem, attribute); } } }; MRP.attr.gt = function (attribute) { var value; if (attribute === "style") { if (MRP.ua.ie) { value = this.style.getAttribute("cssText"); } else { value = this.getAttribute(attribute); } } else { if (value = attrProps[attribute]) { value = this[value]; } else { value = this.getAttribute(attribute); } } return value; }; MRP.attr.st = function (attribute, value) { if (attribute === "style") { if (MRP.ua.ie) { this.style.setAttribute("cssText", value); } else { this.setAttribute(attribute, value); } } else { if (attrProps[attribute]) { this[attrProps[attribute]] = value; } else { this.setAttribute(attribute, value); } } }; MRP.shows = function (elem) { return elem.style.display !== "none"; }; MRP.hidden = function (elem) { return elem.style.display === "none"; }; MRP.show = function (elem) { if (!MRP.shows(elem)) { elem.style.display = ""; } }; MRP.hide = function (elem) { if (!MRP.hidden(elem)) { elem.style.display = "none"; } }; /** * Создает URI строку из объекта. н. {foo: 'bar', test: '1'} будет преобразовано в foo=bar&test=1 * @param {Object} obj Объект с парами key: value, где он преобразуется так key=value * @param {Object} context [Optional] Контекст вызова функции в value * @return {String} созданная URI строка */ MRP.createQuery = function (obj, context) { var idx = 0, query = []; context = context || this; MRP.each(obj, function(qArgName, qArgValue){ if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(qArgName)) { return; } if (idx != 0) { query[idx++] = "&"; } query[idx++] = qArgName + "="; if (qArgValue.call) { query[idx++] = MRP.escape.uri(qArgValue.call(context)); } else { query[idx++] = MRP.escape.uri(qArgValue); } }); return query.join(""); }; /** * Строит url-строку пригодную для AJAX запросов или для SCRIPT транспорта */ MRP.createUrl = function (lego) { var i = 0, url = []; if (lego.host) { url[i++] = lego.protocol + "//"; url[i++] = lego.host; if (lego.port && lego.port != 80) { url[i++] = ":" + lego.port; } if (!lego.path) { url[i++] = "/"; } } if (lego.path) { url[i++] = "/" + lego.path; } if (lego.query) { url[i++] = "?" + MRP.createQuery(lego.query, this); } return url.join(""); }; /** * Instances cache * @type {Array} */ MRP.coll = []; function BasicCallback (data) { if (MRP.isEmptyStr(this.valueCurr)) { this.hide(); return; } var _this = this, filledCounter = 0; this.itemsReset(); MRP.each(this.items, function (idx) { var sItem, sType, sInner; if ((sItem = data.items[idx]) && (sType = MRP.getItemPrefs(sItem.type)) && (sInner = sType.draw.call(_this, sItem)) !== false) { this.innerHTML = sInner; _this.itemsFilled[this._mrp = filledCounter++] = idx; MRP.show(this); } else { MRP.hide(this); } }); if (filledCounter) { if (this.ondraw) { this.ondraw(); } if (!this._firstCorrection) { this.correctPosition(); this._firstCorrection = true; } this.show(); } else { this.hide(); } } MRP.fn.extend({ /** * Получаем данные по данному запросу * @param {String} query Строка запроса (значение поля) [Опционально] */ getData: function (query, callback) { var instance = this, data; query = query || this.valueCurr; callback = callback || BasicCallback; /* Проверяем, есть ли в кэше этот запрос */ if (data = this.cacheRead(query)) { callback.call(this, this._data = data.response, true); } else { MRP.JSONP(MRP.createUrl.call(this, this.request), { callback: function () { instance.cacheWrite({ hid: query, response: this }); if (this.terms.query === instance.valueCurr) { callback.call(instance, instance._data = this, false); } }, charset: this.request.charset, timeout: this.request.timeout }); } }, keys: { 13: function () { // ENTER var _this = this; setTimeout(function(){ _this.hide(); }, 200); }, 27: function () { // ESC var _this = this; this.hide(); if (MRP.ua.opera) { setTimeout(function(){ _this.field.value = _this.valuePrev; }, 10); } else { this.field.value = this.valuePrev; } }, 37: function () { // LEFT ARROW }, 38: function () { // UP ARROW if (!this._hidden) { if (this.itemSelectStep(-1)) { var item, id = this.itemsFilled[this.itemsCurr]; if (id !== undefined) { item = this._data.items[id]; MRP.getItemPrefs(item.type).select.call(this, item); } } else { this.field.value = this.valuePrev; } } }, 39: function () { // RIGHT ARROW if (!this._hidden) { this.valueExc = null; } }, 40: function () { // DOWN ARROW if (!this._hidden) { if (this.itemSelectStep(1)) { var item, id = this.itemsFilled[this.itemsCurr]; if (id !== undefined) { item = this._data.items[id]; MRP.getItemPrefs(item.type).select.call(this, item); } } else { this.field.value = this.valuePrev; } } else { this.getData(this.valuePrev); } } } }); /* ### JSONP ### */ var JSONP_ID = 1; MRP.JSONP = function (url, sets) { sets = sets || {}; var timeout = sets.timeout, timeoutId = null, callback = sets.callback || null, callbackName = sets.callbackName || (expando + JSONP_ID++), callbackArgs = sets.args || []; if (callback) { W[callbackName] = function (response) { if (callbackArgs.length > 2) { callback.apply(response, callbackArgs); } else { callback.call(response, callbackArgs[0], callbackArgs[1]); } if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeoutId); } if (MRP.ua.ie) { W[callbackName] = undefined; } else { delete W[callbackName]; } }; } url += [ /(\?).*$/.test(url) ? "&" : "?", "callback=", callbackName ].join(""); var script = MRP.ce("script", { type: "text/javascript", charset: sets.charset, src: url }); script.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.readyState === "complete") { try { H.removeChild(script); } catch (e) {} } }; script.onload = function (event) { if (MRP.ua.opera) { try { (new Function("return (" + (event.srcElement || event.target).innerHTML + ")"))(); } catch (e) {} } H.removeChild(script); }; setTimeout(function () { H.insertBefore(script, null) }, 0); if (timeout) { timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { if (script && script.parentNode) { H.removeChild(script); } if (callback && W[callbackName]) { if (MRP.ua.ie) { W[callbackName] = undefined; } else { delete W[callbackName]; } } }, timeout); } }; /* Добавляем функционал шаблонов */ var itemsPrefs = {}; MRP.getItemPrefs = function (name) { return itemsPrefs[name] || null; }; MRP.setItemPrefs = function (name, prefs) { itemsPrefs[name] = MRP.extend(prefs, { draw: function (item) { return item.text; }, enter: function () { }, select: function (item) { this.valueExc = this.field.value = item.text; } }); return this; }; /* Удаленный конструктор настроек */ MRP.remote = function (url, initCallback) { this.build = function (sets) { MRP.call(this, sets); if (initCallback) { initCallback.call(this); } else { this.init(); } }; MRP.JSONP(url); }; MRP.remote.prototype = MRP.fn; return MRP; })(); /* END MRP part */ GO.win.GO = GO; GO.win.onAirWow = GO.onAir; GO.win.MRP = GO.MRP; })(); /* go_harmony End */